Curator - Video Management and Remote Editing for Any Workflow

Manage, Edit, and Publish Video
Content From Anywhere

The Tools You Need to Ingest, Enrich, Find, Edit, Publish, and Manage Your Media

Curator is an end-to-end video management and remote editing solution for enterprise businesses. Whether you're looking to protect production-related revenues by enabling productive remote editing, protect your brand consistency through brand asset control, improve ROI through content re-use, or optimize your storage and asset management control, Curator has you covered.


Supercharge Adobe

Curator for Adobe brings the search, discover, and remote editing capabilities of Curator directly into your Premiere Pro and After Effects editing environment.
Showcasing the Curator for Adobe Panel in action
Curator Connect performing remote ingest


Intuitive Remote Ingest

With a simple and intuitive drag-and-drop user interface, Media Managers and other contributors can easily ingest raw footage straight into Curator from anywhere, with the crucial metadata you require.


Metadata Enrichment
for Easy Discovery

Curator Logger guarantees fast, accurate, and consistent metadata enrichment of your content so Editors can discover it, now and in the future.
Metadata being applied through Curator Logger


Detailed Analytical Insights

Curator Analytics provides detailed insights into your Curator system so you can analyze, evaluate, and execute informed decisions on your video and editors.
Visual data from Curator Analytics


How Will Curator Help You?

Deploying Curator has deep benefits for all key teams throughout your organization.

Curator is a game-changer for Editors and other video creatives, helping you spend less time searching and more time collaborating on producing awesome video content, regardless of where you are in the world!

  • Curator for Adobe makes you more productive by bringing the power of Curator right into Premiere Pro and After Effects, so you can quickly find what you need and get editing instantly on frame-accurate proxies at just 2% of their original file sizes - with no waiting around to download anything!
  • When you've finished your edit, simply select the "Remote Conform" option to send the conform job back to the high res assets, freeing up you and your edit station for more editing
  • Curator Connect ensures you never have to wait around for new assets to be available for editing ever again. All newly-shot content can be quickly and easily ingested into the Curator system from anywhere in the world - so if your videographers are on-location somewhere exotic, you don't need to wait for them to get back to the office before you can begin editing
  • Curator Logger and AI integrations enrich your new and archive content with rich metadata, helping you to find and monetize the best content from your collection rapidly and easily, even if it's buried deep in archive
  • Need to edit on live content? No problem - Curator can automatically create frame-accurate proxy streams from live feeds in near-real-time for almost instant editing of live footage

Curator helps Marketing Teams to maintain brand consistency through a centralized single source of truth, remotely collaborate with Editors and other creatives, and rapidly find and discover all the relevant video and media assets you need for your campaigns, from anywhere in the world.

  • Curator Connect ensures all newly-shot video assets are quickly ingested into the Curator system regardless of where the videographers and other contributors are, ready for you to remotely preview and begin collaborating with your Editors
  • Curator Logger and AI integrations enrich your new and archive content with rich metadata, helping you to find and monetize the best content from your collection rapidly and easily, even if it's buried deep in archive
  • Curator provides a centralized single source of truth for brand assets, making it much easier for you and your team to ensure only the relevant brand assets are available to those who need them, maintaining brand consistency
  • Collaborate remotely with your Editors by creating clip Collections in Curator Clip Link that are full of the assets you want in your edits - Editors can then turn those Collections into Curator Productions inside Curator for Adobe, helping to kickstart the project
  • Editors can send Marketing Teams the work in progress using the review and approve functionality, so you can review it, approve it, or leave comments for further editing

Curator provides IT Teams with the tools you need to consolidate, de-duplicate, and automatically manage your vast amounts of video content, helping you to maximize existing IT investments, avoid unnecessary future storage spend, and increase productivity across creative and marketing teams through efficient technology use.

  • Curator consolidates and de-duplicates your video storage devices, helping reclaim expensive wasted storage space
  • Curator automatically creates proxy copies of all high-res assets that are just 2% of the original file size. Editors edit on these streaming proxies rather than the high-res originals, meaning Curator can automatically move your high-res assets to low-cost offline storage (e.g. archive devices), with only the proxy copies stored on your expensive high-availability storage
  • Curator streams proxies directly to Editors and avoids the need for Editors to download anything, avoiding duplication of assets and minimizing egress costs for cloud-based storage
  • Direct integration with leading cloud providers such as AWS, GCP, and Azure provide easy adoption of cloud server and storage services for low cost, high-availability storage
  • Curator can be deployed on-premise, in the cloud, or as a hybrid solution giving you the best of both worlds. It can integrate with your existing technology stack and connect to cloud services for a centralized hybrid solution
  • Curator Analytics provides helpful insights into your Curator system and how it's used, helping you to predict future storage requirements and make informed decisions about technology spending

Curator helps enterprise businesses like yours to:

  • Pandemic-proof your production-related revenue streams by enabling productive remote editing
  • Squeeze maximum return on investment from your existing content archive by making it easily searchable, discoverable, editable, and monetizable, from anywhere
  • Improve Editor productivity by saving them the average 10% of time wasted simply searching for assets, enabling instant editing with no need to download and duplicate assets, and perform remote conform on their finished edits to free them up for more editing 
  • Maintain brand consistency by providing a single, centralized source of truth for brand assets, helping globally dispersed Marketing/Brand Teams to stay on brand
  • Realize significant savings on enterprise storage requirements and easily adopt cloud storage where required
  • And much more...

Demo Videos - Lights, Camera, See it in Action

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