The Future of Video Production
How Leading Video Pros Are Responding to Remote Workflows

Report Collaborators:
Combined with wider industry data, we set out to interview leaders in various industries, from sports broadcasting to publishing, to see how they’ve been dealing with the changes and challenges within the field of video production.

What will you learn
As working-from-home (WFH) and flexible working become the new norm, video production teams across countless industries have had to think on their feet, get creative, and adopt new approaches to triumph over ever-emerging obstacles.
As video production teams know all too well, file sizes and bitrates present staggering barriers to seamless collaboration and remote access. To meet current and future demands for video content in a WFH environment, teams must overcome these and other pressing issues like:
Slow internet speeds, further burdened by others in the household being online.
Limited access to media files and footage from outside networks.
Poorly organized and unsearchable video file archives.
Creative slumps resulting from not being able to meet in-person or work physically together — for instance, quickly showing someone else a scene or clip, or brainstorming ideas.
Security concerns and permission controls for files and media.
New normal, new challenges

Seth Tanner
Director of Content
Cincinnati Bengals

Mariana Camacho
Editor in Chief
Food & Wine en español

Memo Salazar
Sesame Street

Jacob Anderson
Manager, Asset Management
Warner Media Studios

Corey Jennings
Video Producer
University of Maryland Baltimore County

Eric Lund
Senior Manager, Post Technology
Warner Media Studios

Michelle Conroy
Production & Sales Manager
Crew Cuts

Barry Flanigan
Chief Product Office

Kevin Maude
Social Video

Brian Leonard
Head of Engineering

James Ganiere
Executive Producer
Rio Vista Universal

Salvatore D’Alia
Original Content Director

Sean Ross Sapp
Managing Editor
It’s no surprise that video production is changing and changing fast. After all, we are living, working, and filming in unprecedented times. Social distancing has pushed industries of all kinds to rethink their workflows and reimagine the possibilities. This is especially the case for industries that rely on innovative video content to engage, inform, and entertain their audiences.
It’s been no easy feat to maintain production pipelines, contend with large file sizes, and facilitate seamless collaboration among remote-working teammates. As a software provider to some of the largest and best video production companies in the world, we have first-hand insights into the specific challenges video production teams face, as well as the cutting-edge solutions available to address these challenges.
What this report will deliver
In this report, we will provide comprehensive answers and creative solutions to these increasingly common problems. Thankfully, modern technology has helped streamline the WFH cultural shift and remedy many associated pain points. In particular, cloud-based solutions have empowered video teams in all areas to embrace remote workflows without serious disruption.
At its core, this report is about the role of media asset management (MAM) in changing video production workflows. After all, the right MAM tool can improve:
- How archive material is accessed
- How collaboration occurs
- The type of metadata that can be generated
- How teams review in-progress and completed material.
So, in looking at MAM tools, we will reveal how secure, cloud-based, multi-user collaboration is not only possible but actually relatively simple. However, we’re not satisfied with stopping there. We aim to take it all one step further — setting out a strategic vision for the very bright future of video production.
Ultimately, this report is about empowering you to understand the MAM landscape and make an informed purchasing decision. Although the pandemic has presented video production teams with endless hurdles to clear, the inspiring industry-leaders we spoke to have managed to embrace technology and transform each and every commonplace obstacle into an extraordinary opportunity. In these ‘unprecedented times’ and beyond, there’s no question that MAM will play a critical role in video production’s long-term future.
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