Solutions - Streaming Proxies & Storage Efficiencies

Stream Frame-Accurate 2%
Proxies on Just 2mb Wi-Fi

Reduce your top-tier storage needs by 98%, utilize cost-effective offline storage for all your high-res assets, and edit from anywhere on frame-accurate streamed proxies

Make the most of your storage investments with technology that consolidates, de-duplicates, and continuously manages your storage devices. In addition, enable the use of a hybrid mix of on-premise and cloud storage for the best of both worlds.

Storage: a necessary evil

Storage is a necessary evil media businesses have to contend with.

When properly managed, enterprise-grade storage provides reliable and redundant storage for all your business-critical media assets, but without the tools in place to de-duplicate and manage your storage devices it can quickly become an endless cycle of expensive upgrades.

Curator will help you optimize your storage to squeeze maximum ROI from it, in addition to enabling productive remote editing and collaboration.


The Curator Solution

Curator is an enterprise-grade video management solution with storage efficiencies and remote editing at its core. Curator enables businesses to make substantial savings in storage requirements while granting editors remote access and edit from anywhere.

Curator de-duplicates all your media assets and creates frame-accurate high-quality proxy copies of the high-res originals that are just 2% of their original file size. This means you can use your high-availability expensive storage for the 2% proxies and use lower-cost offline storage for the high-resolution original files. Our 2% frame-accurate proxy workflows let you archive content immediately whilst keeping it accessible to work on anywhere in the world (with WiFi!)

Your Storage, Your Way

By using Curator, your IT Teams will be able to optimize your existing storage devices, invest in lower-cost offline storage instead of expensive top-tier storage, and utilize a hybrid mix of on-premise and cloud-based storage for the utmost in flexibility, cost efficiencies, availability, and business continuity.

What Else Can Curator Do?


Centralize Control
of Brand Assets


Create and Collaborate on
Video From Anywhere


Archive Management
and Reuse


Manage Video Content
Between the Studio and WFH

Demo Videos - Lights, Camera, See it in Action

Watch a demo video of the platform right now, or book time into Gabrielle's diary to arrange a custom demo tailored to your specific use case. 

Trusted (& Loved) by the Best

We work best with any organization that is serious about video. Our lightest customers use IPV to manage around 1500 video assets, our heaviest customers ingest over 10,000 hours of 4k video every week.

Join thousands of Broadcast, Brand & Sports Video Professionals